a bicycle enthusiast, a beginner mechanic, Naomi desu


My name is Naomi. I’m from Jakarta in Indonesia. I’ve just joined Sports Bike Factory as a staff. If you see the new face, well, that’s me 😉

画像に含まれている可能性があるもの:Elitha Naomi、スマイル、自転車、空、屋外、水、自然

When I was a child. I always enjoyed riding bicycle to everywhere, by my own or together with my siblings. I remember when i was a junior high school, my father bought me a sport bike look like a cross bike. Then just in three days, someone stole my bike. I cried a lot, and felt regret why that time i didn’t lock my bike. My father looked upset when he heard about it. Because of that, I saved all of my pocket moneys. It took several months until i could buy my self a city bike with a basket installed in it. Even though it’s cheaper than the lost one, I was so proud about it. When my father saw it, he laughed. Then He rode it around me while looking me proudly.

Later, I graduated in Psychology major, then worked as a child therapist. During my university years, there’s a bike store that I always visited to maintenance, to park my bike, or just for chat. That shop was like my second home. I love their kindness and compassion. I want to be like them…help others with something that they love. From that time on, I always thought about my desire to work in bicycle related job. Shortly, after two years thinking about my other dream, I decided to leave my job, and sold everything to pursue my dream. I came to Japan to study about bicycle. I  graduated last month without graduation ceremony because of pandemic. But I’m so grateful that i can work in Sports Bike Factory. In these times, I just want to do my best as a staff in here. 

Then, If you see me, we could share about anything. Besides bicycle, I love travelling, eating, and listening POP music 😀


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